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By Lettucecow
#68323 Have any of you ever played the video game Pikmin? Well in japan there was a promotional song used to advertise the game called Ai No Uta and its so depressing and sad....If you don't know what the games about its about a captain called Olimar and his spaceship gets hit by a meteor and he crash lands on a weird planet with a bunch of carnivores creatures and he has to find his 30 ship part in 30 days or his life suppourt system will run out of battery and he'll die. He finds a nearly extinct species and enlists their help to find his ship parts. When you battle enemies in the game they can eat or kill your pikmin and this song explains that they accept thier death and don't ask olimar to love them for their help :( . here's the song if you want to see it, BUT bring some tissues with you.
I just found out the English lyrics yesterday and i cried my eyes out ):

By Lettucecow
#68331 Well excuse my finding out about the pikmin series 2 years ago! I never knew! PLus I'm 13 so the game came out when I was 3!
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#68341 you're 13, and you claim you were 3..... the game came out in 2001 bro, how high did you say your IQ was again?
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By Rzxa
#68420 Not feeling sad at all :/ I need emotions ;,,, :cry:
By Lettucecow
#68446 Well..i guess it helps if you play the game
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Umbreon1110 wrote:I have the first one... not the second yet.. AND THERES A THIRD ONE COMING OUT :D

3rd one already came out
By Lettucecow
SPG wrote:
Umbreon1110 wrote:I have the first one... not the second yet.. AND THERES A THIRD ONE COMING OUT :D

3rd one already came out

And its the best thing ever!