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By Doddsey
#73808 I am looking to start an adventure Pixelmon server to fill the time gap between now and when Mine and SPG's map goes public and I need some people that are interested in both, helping to build the cities and connecting routes, and being gym leaders on the server!

As far as an application goes, I don't believe in written apps very much, so there are just a few questions I would like answered;

1) If applying for a builder position, what kind of experience do you have with building for adventure style maps? (Pictures would be great)
2) If applying for a gym leader, do you have any experience working as staff on any other servers, and if so, what servers...Also, what is your experience with the all around mechanics of Pokemon/Pixelmon?

Other than that, I will require that you have skype for future conversing, so either leave your skype name in your post or pm me on here if you aren't comfortable leaving your skype in a post. (If you don't have skype, sign up, it's what i use and it's free)

So that's pretty much it, Thanks in advance to anyone and everyone that shows interest in helping out! And I will let everyone here on the forums know when I have the server open for play!

By Echamp
#75146 Hi, it seems you haven't gotten any posts but I am posting.
I would like to apply for gym leader.
I am the ground elite 4 on another server that is down for some reason called chip away pixelmon server by kidpure6.
I have vast amount of knowledge on Pokemon, I know a lot basically.
I don't know much about pixelmon kinda depends on what you are lookin for so....
There's my app