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By Shadowfox9356493
#75122 It's been MONTHS since i was last on the forums.. it's been too long..

I didn't know where to post this so i decided off-topic would be best, i was nearing the point where i was forgetting this mod, then one ofmy favorite youtubers "Skydoesminecraft" started a series on it then i thought.. "Wow, it's been ages since i was last on that.. i gotta to play it now.."

I ran pixelmon up and 2 main things really made me value this mod..

1) Leafeon and Glaceon were in! and my favorite pokemon of all being the eeveelutions i was really excited..
2) I heard Chriss's music for "distant shores" and i've been listening to it ever since..

I've decided to come back to this community, it's been too long and pixelmon was just one thing i couldn't walk away from..

Some updates on what's changed between "Mid-June" and "Now" would be greatly appreciated..

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By Rzxa
#75125 Hey Shadowfic blah I forgot welcome back Sf !
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By KuryoZT
#75377 Hey shadow, welcome back.
For info, Gen1 is done!! Yes it is.
Second, for modellers, they can now work with other things than Techne, it's even asked to, as long as it can save in .obj.
For the forums, they've changed quite a bit. Less chaotic than before, thank Isi and co for that.
You can even apply for moderators now, go do that and take my job, work for me, I'm lazy. :D
More things have been added to the mod itself, but the changlog hasn't been updated for some time, maybe someone'll get to it, one day.
But off the top of my head, the most important things are surely already cited, except that poke enter now spawn in the world. And much more fun things are being worked on.
Have a nice trip in the world of Pixelmon, I still have my internet troubling me.