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By Waterboyr
Lettucecow wrote:
Waterboyr wrote:
Lettucecow wrote:spongebob movie, all the harry potter movies and lucario and the mystery of mew.

SpongeBob movie? SPONGEBOB MOVIE?!?!? Lettucecow why? ...

I love spongebob to death. ;)

How old are you?

By Lettucecow
#78502 I just turned 14 on the 27th why?
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#78629 1: Transformers DOTM (2011)
2: Pokemon Movie Power Of One (2000)
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By skywardstrike
#78634 1) All the Marvel Avengers movies (Iron man, hulk, etc.)
2) Percy Jackson and the lightning thief (and it's sequel)
3) Hunger Games

I don't know what else... those are just the movies that come to mind.