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By Kuwoobie
#80947 The other day I was looking at old DOS games. Most people think they are old and thus boring, but back in the day, developers of games had to come up with ways to make games fun without flashy graphics or complex physics engines, and succeeded in many ways that are now lost.

One such game I found: Sim Ant


The beauty of this mod will be in its simplicity. Basically I will make up a set of new biomes where the player will gain the perspective of being very small. Giant blades of grass, MASSIVE houses and fences and such. A few custom mobs, giant spiders, fellow ants, etc. Basically the player will be able to "become" any of their fellow ants by interacting with them in some way and take over their duty.

The goal of the modded game will basically be to collect food and grow the colony, while fighting off predators and the enemy ant colonies that are doing the same thing you are. I am hoping I can get custom ant mobs to "dig" tunnels with very simple AI and place the dirt and cobble they dig up to a mound on top of the tunnel, while other ants collect food following makeshift "scent trails" while other ants are born to be warriors/protectors. There will also be queen and ants designated for breeding and raising baby ants.

Anyway. I think this would be a very fun mod and I'm doing a lot of research now to see if I can pull it off. I'm hoping I can learn a thing or two about modding and maybe eventually help out with the Pixelmon community once I gain a bit of understanding on how it all works. Tell me what you think.