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By Captain Russia
#84224 My friend all but pushed me face-first into the world of Pokémon a few months back, and when I say that, I mean she had me watch a ton of movies and out-of-place episodes and things like that trying to immerse me into Pokémon as fast as she could. The result at first was my complete bafflement at all the weird pocket monsters and why they were shoved into balls on sight for apparently no reason. While I have grown in a very short time to love the franchise, my first impressions are still with me and I decided what better to do with them than share? The following is the account of some one who had completely ignored the existence of Pokémon, and then promptly had it thrown in their face regardless of their cries of "WTF IS THAT?!" (So basically my first impressions of the Pokémon I saw.)
Well, it can't be that bad, my friend likes this after all. I'll watch a bit of this with her and who knows, I might like it too.

Okay... we've got a bird so far. Looks a bit colorful, like some weird parrot or something?
And a flaming horse? That's pretty cool! Nothing super weird about that.
... Looks like a dog, with tiger stripes. It's pretty cute.
Now there's a - a... giant yellow hamster? That can... harness the power of lightning...? Erm....
Oh, a caterpillar, nothing too strange about that, it is a bit big though. And that's a HUGE bee with... drills for feet? What the crap?!
And - blue Totoro, what are you doing here? *Friend trying to be helpful* "That's not Totoro, that's Snorlax!" Um... yep... I knew that.... :?
Okay, now we've got a freaky blue bat monster, a pink fairy thing, and... the kangaroo version of the pink fairy thing?


"Kangaroo?" It has an egg pouch on it. "Oh."
Okay then. Now we have... a floating pink cat-thing? It's cute, but, what??
And then... then we have... er... o.o


... Either Frieza had a third brother or this is the Pokémon version of an alien.
Well, at least I don't see how it could - is that literally a carton of eggs? As a living entity? And - have they not noticed that ONE MEMBER HAS IT'S HEAD CRACKED OPEN?
Okay, that was probably some fluke or a joke, right? Right?


Are you kidding me? A carton of eggs and now an alphabet? What next, a chair? (Would not surprise me, actually.)
... Here we go, more animal ones. Those seem more normal, or at least they should be. Let's see.... a yellow camel, a fire monkey, a fire chick, a - what is that? Some kind of... fire penguin?


Ant-eater, maybe.
Hmm... now I think we're getting the awesome ones! A dragon, a giant electric bird, a - turtle? It's so cute! :P I bet when it evolves it gets - feather ears? Oh, well there's a third evolution where it gets -
Whelp, I think I've seen just about every cree-


What... the...? o.o


Uhhh.... *backs away slowly after reading Pokedex entry*
Okay, there are some seriously creepy Pokémon, I don't know about th-





No one survived, especially not the children.