By Harbinger
#100135 Since there's a split decision on the pose, thought I'd try make the other one and let you guys decide which is better.

No flying pose as of yet.
Posted in OP also so easier to compare :D

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By TheBootyEdition
#100157 Harbinger.. I love both positions the first one makes him look fierce, the second one looks good cause it would look better as a neutral position as it changes over to flying position, but on the flip side it would look either look really good or really derpy with the first position when the transaction of him going into flying position. I'm not completely sure where I'm going with this but i hope it helps >.> So i guess if you want him to look more fierce when hes walking around id stick with the first one but if your looking for neutral id go with the second one.
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By Il_Lupo
#101104 I think I like the second one the most. The first one is 'fiercer', but it almost looks constipated or like it's pecking for a worm forever.
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By Gweav1117
#101131 I really like the second one. looks a lot more natural.
By Harbinger
Saradominphat wrote:can you make fearow?

Sure, I'll give it ago unless Karry wants to remake it means she modelled the one currently in game.

Killaz2000 wrote:Post it in approval

Oops thought I already did :D
By Milo
#103457 I like the first position better :)