By SubjectToReplay
#15595 First attempt at using Techne! Used colors from generation 2. Joints set in place correctly.
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By lugiaisbeast101
#15606 For the back of the head, position that block more into the head by using Ex. 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, etc.
Instead of curving the body outward, start curving inward then out. As you can see, the stem starts more in the back of the head, so use the positioning I told you. (.1, .2, .3, etc.)
Try to attempt the legs using blocks instead of just setting the block to zero 0 and texturing. Make the head a little longer, and experiment with using angled blocks.
Also, try making the leaves larger, otherwise, the model is a good start, and I like the texture.
By SubjectToReplay
#15707 Took a few hours, but I worked on everything you listed! Thanks for the positive input Lugiaisbeast101!
Improved Bellsprout Model:
By SubjectToReplay
#16748 Ok! Did quite a bit! Smoothed more corners on the stem, made the leaves much bigger (maybe too big), made the head longer, and attempted to give the "feet" a more root feel.
Front View:
Hoping the leaves are more proportional with the head! Any Ideas on improving the roots would be greatly appreciated. And thanks again for all the great feedback everyone!
By kungfumidget
#16809 Lengthen the roots and make them wavy like the neck, as you can see from the picture a couple of posts up, the roots are quite long.
By Omerta
#16813 You've got a good start with this model, but before you get any further in changing the model itself, it needs to have an HD texture.

Here is a link to a tutorial on the subject: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=141

You'll really be amazed at how much better your models turn out once you begin using those methods.

To summarize the tutorial, go to File-> Edit Project (in Techne) and change the size to 512x256. Then, go to File-> Export As-> Texture map, and save it somewhere. Then, go back to File-> Edit Project and change back to 64x32. Adjust your texture offsets (with this model you should have plenty of space on the texturemap, if you run out change the project size to 128x64 to give yourself more room), and begin to edit the texture file. Load the texture into Techne and you can see it update every time you save changes to the texture file.
By SubjectToReplay
#17259 I think it's pretty good now! Updated the legs, they now have some depth. And added an HD skin. Took forever to figure out how but I thinked I nailed it! Although I might have gone a little over board on noise. Maybe the head should be a little glossier? Tell me what you guys think!
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