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By Css1234567890123
#51597 Post it for approval, its freken awesome. Especially now with rotated blocks.

By LightAdept
Harbinger wrote:Here is what you asked for Light,

Rotation Points

Model Tree

Ok Part names looks fine. The tail i can work with, possibly give a better animation then normal. But the legs......You seemed to have misunderstood how rotation points go. They all have to have the SAME rotation point, and the point is where it CONNECTS to the body. So make all the rotation points in that back leg connect at the hip, about the center of the block that's there, not at the outside. If you understand. Say you have an arm, you wouldnt put it on the outside of the shoulder, no, you would put in INSIDE, best example i can give. Hope you understood that and will make the necessary changes.
By Harbinger
#51798 Yeah I wasn't quite sure on that lol, makes sense now though, thanks. I'll sort that out for you but quite busy today so wont be till later probably.
By Harbinger
#51840 Rotation points in legs have been fixed, all parts now have same rotation point like you asked.

By Harbinger
#52171 Nothing else to change then? Should I repost this in the approval section now or is a moderator just going to move the thread? I learnt quite a bit from this build and am using it for my next model (Venusaur) which Css asked for. Don't worry though there won't be any stair casing technique in this one lol
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By KuryoZT
Harbinger wrote:Nothing else to change then? Should I repost this in the approval section now or is a moderator just going to move the thread? I learnt quite a bit from this build and am using it for my next model (Venusaur) which Css asked for. Don't worry though there won't be any stair casing technique in this one lol

You create a new thread there with pictures included. And, I'll just post this here, not intended to anyone in particular, noone else than the modeler can post there!

And no staircase effect? Nice, good luck on your next model.
By Polifroeg
#52320 That is ruddy amazing for a first model rattata needed a remodel and you sir have it
put up a poll so you can put it in approval
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By ilovepokemon
#52643 there, Rattata looks much better with it's mouth closed, makes it more neutral