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By KuryoZT
SurroundedByMonsters wrote:If this doesn't get acepted,im gonna be pretty sad :(.Good work :),same with articuno and moltres.

I don't know if you've seen it, so imma just reply quickly here, it is accepted, all 3 I believe, but to be in-game, uhh, :roll: It's gonna take some time. Apparently they're not so well made, from a coder point of view, so if noone accepts the burden to rename and, basicly just help with some technical stuff, for the coders, it's gonna a pain in the butt.
Here, hope you understand, a wannabe friendly someone

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KuryoZT wrote:
SurroundedByMonsters wrote:If this doesn't get acepted,im gonna be pretty sad :(.Good work :),same with articuno and moltres.

I don't know if you've seen it, so imma just reply quickly here, it is accepted, all 3 I believe, but to be in-game, uhh, :roll: It's gonna take some time. Apparently they're not so well made, from a coder point of view, so if noone accepts the burden to rename and, basicly just help with some technical stuff, for the coders, it's gonna a pain in the butt.
Here, hope you understand, a wannabe friendly someone

from what kevin (omerta) told me, he may redo the birds because they are very poorly made, dont quote me on this though
By Omerta
#20041 I actually just finished renaming all the parts individually for this model. If the rotation points have to be redone as well then I can try, but if it's not worth the amount of work then yea, I'd rather just make my own.
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Omerta wrote:I actually just finished renaming all the parts individually for this model. If the rotation points have to be redone as well then I can try, but if it's not worth the amount of work then yea, I'd rather just make my own.

besides, you would make it better anyways, and if you do, make one where its wings are folded up, because... we need that
By SurroundedByMonsters
KuryoZT wrote:
SurroundedByMonsters wrote:If this doesn't get acepted,im gonna be pretty sad :(.Good work :),same with articuno and moltres.

I don't know if you've seen it, so imma just reply quickly here, it is accepted, all 3 I believe, but to be in-game, uhh, :roll: It's gonna take some time. Apparently they're not so well made, from a coder point of view, so if noone accepts the burden to rename and, basicly just help with some technical stuff, for the coders, it's gonna a pain in the butt.
Here, hope you understand, a wannabe friendly someone

Oh really? damn,thats a buzzkill.. who would have though they're not so well made from a code point of view.Hope they can fix it or something :X,because they will prob not find a better one then this,unless its a very good modeler,haha.
By Codzhe
#23112 Yeah we need more legendaries in game,though i want them to appear only when some kind of item or anything else activated, that would be so cool and the model looks realistic as hell...