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By Pgnconan
#103410 (Allot of people say I'm dark when I write stories. Also, how would one evolve a Pokemon that needs to be traded to evolve?)

After healing both the Poochyena and the Eevee Nicholas returned to the forest, but this time, he went deeper. The dried leaves crunches beneath his feat, it was the only sound that broke the eternal silence. There appeared to be no Pokemon in this part of the forest. It appeared as if they were avoiding it for a reason, that was unbeknownst to him. There were various rotting tree stumps around him, along with trees that appeared to be, dying. Walking slowly, and cautiously Nicholas made his way deeper into the forest. The aroma of death filled the air, growing stronger the deeper he went. He stopped, looking around for any sign of life, even the smallest hint would reassure him. That's when he heard it, a screeching sound. Nicholas whipped around, nothing was there, but he swore he heard it, a screeching sound, a screeching that resembled that of a dying child. He was quite afraid now, slowly he reached into his pocket, taking out, and clicking, a Pokeball. Poochyena was released, and he was in good health. "Keep an eye out." Nicholas had said, in a frighted voice, not knowing what had emitted the sound he heard only recently. Slowly Nicholas retraced his steps, with Poochyena by his side, to keep guard. Nicholas looked over his shoulder, feeling as if he was being followed, but nothing was there. Nicholas slowly leaned himself against the base of a tree to take a rest, with Poochyena curled up in his lap. Poochyena closed his eyes while Nicholas pet him, looking around nervously Nicholas still couldn't see anything that was alive. Suddenly, he heard the same deathly screech, the same one before. Poochyena jumped off of his lap, and growled while Nicholas got up. Sweating nervously now Nicholas hastily looked around for the creature that emitted the sound, and this time, he was sure he had heard it. He then saw it, a ghostly figure slowly floating out of a rotting log. The ghostly figure had dark pink eyes, with a rotten stump upon its head. Sweating even more now Nicholas was frozen in fright. Poochyena, instinctively ran towards the ghostly menace, and bit its ghostly figure. There was a horrible wailing now from the creature, in rage it tackled Poochyena, hitting him right in the forehead with the rotten log. After regaining his senses Poochyena attempted to tackle the creature, but, to his dismay, he flew right threw, and landed in a dead vegetation. Nicholas stumbled backwards, and yelled towards his companion "Bite!" Dashing forward the Poochyena bit the creature, pulling it down towards the earth, and shaking its ghostly body. Nervously Nicholas took out a Pokeball and threw it at the creature that was stuck in Poochyena's jaws, it dissipated in an instant, causing Poochyena to sniff the Pokeball. The ball shook twice, then shattered, the wailing not emitting from the creature was unbearable. Hastily Nicholas took out, and threw, a Pokeball, it collided with the creature's rotten stump, causing it to once again, disappear. The Pokeball fell to the ground, and shook multiple times, until it came to a halt. Cautiously Nicholas' companion moved the ball towards his feet with his nose, and looked up with questioning eyes.

By 1Charak2
#103423 (:o and that people is how pgn makes a cute pokemon scary as hell)

Goes Deeper into the Forests as well but Ends up coming to a patch of light A small Shrine Perhaps The Light Flicker But im Scared Reaching a hand towards the Shrine i open the door of the small house like shrine Stepping inside i see A Television Set on static " a face appears i run out as fast as possible" Im not Scared of ghosts The face was bloodsoaked like it had died in a fire I saw a girl floating they where following me A ghastly hand Grips my Leg "come lets play the girl Says in a demonic voice "yes lets play she says" The old man Dragged me up And looked me with his eyes i saw bloodsoaked Shokets "Dieno pops out and use's dragon breath" the ghosts lets go afraid of the light I trip over a small box Somethings inside Its Rustling A Victini Comes out And uses V shot on the Ghosts I don't look Back As they Attack victini I run towards the light A shadow Moves in Front and pushs me over "u will die here It says" No i won't The shadow is startled at my sudden outburst it was expecting a easy prey I run through the Shadow And out into the light "i wake Up outside the cave" I see a shadow its gone before i can make out what it is That was exhausting I wonder what pokemon i will catch now And Treks off to find Pgn
By NinjaBoss315
#103424 (I'm not quite sure, but if you have an idea, feel free to express it.)
*After Starly evolved, I ran to the Wilderness to try my hand at completing my team. Optimism is definitely a strong suit, but I start with terrible luck. Roughly a third of the way to Floran Town, I stop dead in my tracks for a beautiful moment: a calm pond glittering in the daylight. Briskly climbing a tree, I notice the pond stands out from the forest, a blue dot on a canvas of green. That is when I notice it, the Dratini. It's sleek sky blue body slithers in the pond, no doubt enjoying the fine weather.*
Jiraya, come on out. I need a good Water Pulse on that Dratini. *Understanding my desire, Jiraya knocks the Dratini down to a low health, allowing me to swiftly throw a Pokeball. The deed is done, I have captured it. A good bit later, I head back to town, satisfied with an extra member of my team, a female Dratini I've named Naga. Seeing the Mine open, I sprint down its corridor, managing to trip over a few Geodudes, who provides lovely experience for Jiraya. Towards the end of it, I witness an Abra, not naturally found it caves, being attacked by a horde of Geodudes. Saving it, I hold out my hand in order to befriend it. The final addition to my current team decides to venture with me, allowing me to catch it. Hugh, as I name him, proves itself more than worthy, already knowing Psychic.*
Perhaps we can train enough for the Tourny tonight...
By NinjaBoss315
#103430 (Since it's 2 hours away from the Tourny, I might aswell explain how it'll go down. Since getting everyone in one place at the same time for a decent bit of time is very difficult, I'm going to make it completely random. Using and the list randomizer, I will list everyone's name according to the Number of Pokemon they have, up to 6 times. I'll roll it 3 times or so, to make it completely randomized. Good luck!)
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By Pgnconan
#103451 After training for a half an hour with Poochyena and Eevee Nicholas attempted to make his way out of the forest, but to his dismay he was lost, terrible lost. Attempting to keep calm he heads in the direction of where he believe he entered the forest. Fighting some Pokemon that he saw fit to fight Nicholas' team slowly began to grow, that is, excluding the creature he found not long ago. Being a creature unknown to him it stayed tucked away in its prison known as a "Pokeball." After searching for the end of the forest Nicholas came upon a small clearing, there was lush grass, with various flowers growing. But in the midst of that forest was a battle, a battle between what appeared to be a Staravia and, a Riolu? Nicholas was fairly excited to see a Riolu, but he quickly brushed that excitement away and reached into his pocket, retrieving the Pokeball that held Poochyena. Nicholas clicked the Pokeball, releasing Poochyena. "Bite the Staravia's leg." He said, and with that command the Poochyena dashed forward, towards the fight between the Pokeball. Once close enough Poochyena leaped, and bit the Staravia's leg, causing it to squawk in pain. Quickly dismissing its previous weakened victim the Staravia used Wing attack, causing Poochyena to lose his grip, and be flown back towards the ground. The Staravia then, immediately, used quick attack, and to Nicholas' dismay Poochyena was hit. Believing that it had dealt with that nuisance of a Poochyena the Staravia headed back towards its first horrible injured victim. "Quickly, bite." He said, the Poochyena immediately obeyed its owner, once more dashing towards his enemy, and leaping, towards the same leg. His teeth sunk into the flesh, letting blood flow. The Staravia squawked, and pecked at the Poochyena's nose, making him lose his grip, and land back onto the ground. Hastily the bird made its leave, not wanting to receive any more pain. Poochyena started to dash towards Nicholas, having done a well job and wishing to receive praise. But, while dashing towards his owner he started to glow, and while glowing he began to grow, and change shape. "He's evolved." Nicholas thought, while being tackled over unto his back by the Mightyena, which was now giving him large slobbery licks. After a few minutes of receiving praise from his trainer Mightyena returned to his Pokeball. Nicholas steadily got up, and wiped his face of the slobber, slowly making his way to the injured Riolu. "It'le be okay." Nicholas chided "Just rest now." Those were the last words the Riolu heard, before he slipped into a deep slumber.
By 1Charak2
#103458 Trekking Through the woods And Finds a Clearing Its Dark outside Night Time even And Eevee is rearing to go "so we faint some nincada in the trees" cause eevee to evolve into a umbreaon and learn flash "flash now umbreaon" the whole clearing lights up And right in front of me is a Rulfllet It attacks from out of the blue Using Gust
Umbreaon Use Flash Blind it
"rulfflet keeps using gust and umbreaon can't get close enoth to hit it nore can a pokeball
Fine i guess we need a new tactic Umbreaon Ride the air currents with quick attack "umbreaon dodges the gusts of winds a breakneck speeds and hits rufflet
Go Pokeball "Clink Clink Clink Poof"
By Waterboyr
#103463 "Scyther, Grotle, attack! Pokeball go!"
The ball slowly turns as I catch the tropius.
"Lets fly!"
*flies over everyone and goes towards mountain*
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By Pgnconan
#103484 After quite some time Nicholas made it out of the forest, and headed towards the Pokemon Centre, to heal his Pokemon, especially Riolu, who received quite a bit of damage from the Staravia. After having had his Pokemon healed Nicholas asked around for information about how he might acquire a Water Stone. Yet, to his dismay, he received no helpful information. Thus he waits within the town of Viola Villa, gaining information about the forest, and of the creature that he obtained. Some say this creature is the soul of a child that got lost within the forest, and died, possessing the rotten stump, this would explain the wailing it emitted, the wailing that resembled the sound of that of a dying child.
By 1Charak2
#103488 Walks Back into town and finds Nicolas studying a pokeball I take one glimpse and i know whats in it

U caught a phantump good job they are pretty powerful u should be proud of your self
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By Pgnconan
#103490 *Nicholas looks towards the male he saw before, talking with Arkas.* "Having captured the soul of a dead child is nothing to be proud of." *He said, in an emotionless tone, while thinking of the awful wailing it emitted.*