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By devvious
#109481 Hello recently i have seen various fights and disscutions about new legendarys that will be added.So, as anybody would i did som research and actualy came across this video off new legendarys being added lets just say rayqaza wont be lone for a long time :)


By devvious
#110084 i ment that rayuaza and groudon and kyoger belong to the same legendary group btw i dont really think they will add entei(bit off topic i know) coz they need suicune and the electric one just if someone is wondering
By TheNew4
devvious wrote:i ment that rayuaza and groudon and kyoger belong to the same legendary group btw i dont really think they will add entei(bit off topic i know) coz they need suicune and the electric one just if someone is wondering

Actually I think two of those have been in feedback for a while now, I'm pretty sure they will be added to 3.0 or 3.1 update later on.
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By redrafter
#110179 I'm glad to see the addition of Groudon and Kyogre, and I can't wait for Jirachi, and especially Deoxys. Have you guys seen the models for Deoxys? I mean seriously. Amazing. :D