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Which hand held game created the morst memorys?

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By ChaoticMeteor
#156149 I would recomend to put the reason why you chose it.

I personally would pick pokemon pearl and diamond. The very first time i played anyyyy pokemon game was when I was 8 years old that game was pokemon diamond. I did not buy pokemon diamond i rented it at blockbuster because once a week my familly would go to blockbuster and rent movies and games I would always get ds games and game cube games. So once i got home i sprinted upstairs to my room with my pokemon diamond card and my spider man game cube disc, got my white ds lite, my giant sponge plush and then i jumped into my bed. I poped my tetris chip out then put pokemon diamond in. I powered on my ds then selected the pokeball icon. When i got past the start screen i pressed new game cause there was already a saved file from the previous customer. I went threw the prof. Rowan BS and named my self ethan and my rivel poopface. I was able to get past all the parts before the starter selection but once i got to choose my starter i saw chimchar i fliped and immediatly chose him. i went through all the bidoof catching and story line ignoring... I went to juvilive city and grinded the hell out of the budews untill chimchar evolved i had noooo idea what that did so i got excited and told my mom and dad "MY CHIMCHAR EVOLVED LOOOK!!!!" And then i called my grand parents and my friend lucas and told 'em what happend. When I went back to my room i grinded more budew until monferno was lvl 26 all of a suden my battery died then i got my charger. I restarted my game then saw that my save was not on there I freak out. My mom and i returned the game then bought pokemon pearl at best buy. From there the story would take me months to type on my phone so i gave the begining to my pokemon playing story.

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By HelenTheHero
#156170 X/Y Definitly. It was my first Pokemon game not counting Pearl ($5 at a garage sale.) and I loved it. I remember not getting X for Christmas, but then I thought "I'LL BUY THIS ON MY OWN DANGIT!" which meant lots of playing Mario and Luigi Dream Team while waiting. When it finally came I was so excited and started playing right away. It was a tough choice between Fennekin and Froakie, but at the time I had no idea what they evolved into. Man... Braixien scarred me from wanting to get Fire starters. I now see what they evolve into before I choose. So in my second play-through I went for Froakie, and then Froakie again, and again, and AGAIN! In my 5th I named him Mr. Bubbles, and that's when I had great memories of the game. My end-game team was Mr. Bubbles the Greninja, Aerodactyl, Nidoking, Sylveon, Charizard, and Shimmer the Dragonair. I love that team so much. I would have to say the one most fun to use is Mega Aerodactyl, because he's the most powerful thing i'll ever actually use probably without learning to EV train properly and stuff. I love Sylveon for the fact she was my first Fairy type I used, and my first level 100. Nidoking for how awesome he is, and Dragonair because I just love her. I almost cried when I let her evolve at level 97. My brother is laughing at me when I write this. :bored: ANYWAY I have no feelings for my Charizard though, it has the worst move-set imaginable, and I also just don't really like Charizard. The only reason I chose it was because I needed a Fire type, and I didn't want to go for Pyroar like I did in my last run. Now that team is in ORAS, with Charizard replaced by my shiny Mega Gengar I was so kindly given from a giveaway on Smogon. Of course, new memories will be starting soon, for i'm doing a SCRAMBLEEE RUNNNNN! :-D