By Mike5357
#216086 It would be great to be able to further customize the appearance of PokeStops by datapack and resourcepack, such as:

- Specifying a separate model for each PokeStop tier
- Specifying the tint colors used for "available" and "used" states of each PokeStop tier (where setting it to just "white" could essentially disable the recoloring function for better compatibility with the following:)
- Specifying different models for the available and used states for each PokeStop rarity level

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By SKyTheThunder
#216087 If we didn't have to cheat for the block model to reach that height, making those attributes blockstates would have inherently allowed to fully customize all the looks depending on the combination of states.
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By SKyTheThunder
#216093 There's a difference between NBT Tags and Blockstates. You can see Blockstates in F3 when looking at the block in question, change them via Debug Stick, etc. They're generally how MC chooses which blockmodel to use for the respective states and can easily be configured via Resource Pack. General NBT is more complex and usually not as accessible for basic configs like that.