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By Ghostie
#244120 So I am making a server with friends so we can catch pokemon together. the one issue I seem to be having is that the spawn rates of pokemon seem to be pretty strange. like if I am running around, a couple might spawn. but if i stop and wait, more spawn. but not that many. maybe a dozen or so? but it still doesnt feel like enough.

So I guess my question is, how do I get the spawns to be more consistent and how can I get more to spawn?

I looked through the configs and didnt see anything tied to spawn rate of "normal" pokemon. just shiny, legendary, etc. do I need to adjust things like spawn radius? maybe instead of 18 make it 8 and instead of 80 make it 100?

idk. ive spent hours trying to figure it out and some of the documentation is a bit rough as its spread across different generations.

Should also note my config files are .toml and .yml

Thanks for any help you can offer!

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By TonySax
#244122 The good news is you are on the right track. You do need to make changes to the spawning.yml config file. Take a look at under the wild-spawning section. entities-per-player, spawns-per-pass, and spawn-frequency are probably the values you want to edit.

Also just remember that the 1.16.5 versions of Pixelmon are the recommended versions to run since the 1.20 versions of Pixelmon are classified as alpha versions. Bugs and unfinished features are to be expected in 1.20 and the 1.20.1 versions themselves are outdated since Pixelmon moved to 1.20.2.