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By Kile467
#244171 Hi!

I've been playing Alpha 9.2 for a long time now, playing the updates and following the new features with great enthusiasm and interest.

I would like to focus in three key aspects and propose suggestions. I hope you find this post usefull!

- New NPC System

I'm aware that this is still a WIP feature. In 9.2.8 and 9.2.10 version I can see the modularity this system provides (and that the previous system lacks), with a set of tools to create NPCs that does whatever you want, in any order you want.

However, as I could test it in 9.2.8, maybe the interface, conditions and actions are too much for casual players that only wants to add a Move relearner, Nurse Joy or quickly set up a trainer to battle. This will be solved thanks to the presets tab if all the old npc types are included there. However, i still find the new GUI a bit confusing, so I would try to simplify it in order to make the casual player experience better. Feel free to make it hard for the npc's advance customization.

Also, don't lose the picklist selection for the skin library we had in the previous NPC system. For all those casuals players, it is a quick simple customization that adds some variety without creating a specific resourcepack.

- New Reserach System:

This caught me completely by surprise, and it is waaay better than the previous quest system. It is brilliant to decentralize the missions from the npcs. You always lost track of which NPC gave you the mission and needed a sidemod for that. Now, you can collect the rewards instantly, similar to Pkmn GO.

However, due to all NPCs being trainers, I couldn't find a way to start this researches from them, only through commands. I guess the plan is that the NPCs in villages provide you with these quests similarly to the previous system, or when you enter a structure or do anything, trigger the research.

I would like to see more from Professor Wisteria. Maybe add her into a new Lab structure, and, outside the game, focus on her with the new marketing from the newer versions of Pixelmon.

- Integration with the new Minecraft features: 1.20 and beyond.

Something that I miss is the integration with the new MC biomes, like the Deep Dark, and in the future, the Pale Garden.

Playing in 1.20.2 with the Deep Dark has been hard. I talked about this in the DC a few months ago. Pokémon triggers sound and the Warden is contsantly spawning because of them. One of the features that were suggested in that conversation were that specific palettes of pokémon spawns in this biome, and this palettes doesn't make any sound that triggers the warden, so only the player and external Pokémon would trigger this mob.

With the Creaking i would only focus on players. Supposedly the Creaking is created by the trees in order to protect them. It is a "natural" protection from outsiders, so the Pokémon that lives in the Pale Garden would be part of this protected ecosystem.

Can't wait to see all the first finished versions of this new features!!! And to play Pixelmon in 1.20.4 and beyond!

Keep up the good work!