By StarzPlatoon
#244165 The Gyms Are A Bit Too Difficult. I like a good challenge, I do!!! But when I have to wait till my team is competitively qualified to beat a gym when I am a player who doesn’t have much knowledge or time to grind that much it ruins the fun. I wanna PROGRESS WITH the gyms. Maybe make it to where they arrange it all with your team and each gym is a little harder than the last but not impossible. On another note- I shouldn’t want to avoid the trainers because they wreck my team in an instant. If we can make gyms accessible to players who wish to progress WITH the gyms then the game will benefit from it! ;-)

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By Kile467
#244172 Yeah, I get what you are saying.

Maybe a post game feature, like battle frontier structures with this level of difficulty (like the current battle towers) would fit better due to the difficulty curve that is actually implemented in the mod.

Gyms should be hard, but for casual players is too much.

I guess the intention here is that you consciously prepare a team for each gym and you spend some time trainning. Maybe a difficulty config for the gyms would fit better and each player can decide the experience with the mod.