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By WobMinerJames
#61811 Please comment if you are a mod or higher, or if you also own a server.
Unless you have genuine experience and knowledge on this matter.

I started my server again a few days ago and was advised to not allow players to catch and use boss pokemon.

My questions on this matter are:

- Are boss pokemon too OP?
- Is it that they cause glitches?
- Should I bother banning them?

I noticed that they do keep their coloured names, but I have not extensively tested the stats of a boss vs non-boss as I haven't found the time! :L

So if you know anything on the matter, please help the server out!

~ Cheers

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By Rzxa
#61815 1.I don't think bosses are OP
2.never heard they cause glitches
3.I think you should bother banning them
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By Wx16
AnDwHaT5 wrote:What i have heard is that boss's stats are a little higher. This catching boss pokemon has been patched for the next update.

I'm pretty sure that Mr. M said before that when bosses are captured, their stats return to normal. But I'm not sure if that is still the case since bosses are not meant be capturable any more although there is a way you can.

Capturing bosses won't be a problem in the next version since their boss status wont be retained at all but to answer James' questions:
  1. I don't think they are overpowered because they lose their boosted stats, but you could argue that it can be a way for people to get high levelled Pokemon with less effort.
  2. There are no game breaking bugs that I know of that are caused by bosses.
  3. Don't punish them unless you made it specifically clear that it was against the rules. Even then I don't think it's ban worthy but you should just strip the Pokemon away from them if it bothers you or others that much.

I have no idea what will happen to bosses that have already been captured. Personally, I hope they remain bosses just for the cosmetic value, although I would understand if Mr. M doesn't want to keep it that way. :P
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By WobMinerJames
AnDwHaT5 wrote:Moved to general.

Why? This was a question in the Support section correct?
Thought that was the best place to put this topic as I needed help with a server related issue based on a game mechanic I didn't understand :L
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By AnDwHaT5
WobMinerJames wrote:
AnDwHaT5 wrote:Moved to general.

Why? This was a question in the Support section correct?
Thought that was the best place to put this topic as I needed help with a server related issue based on a game mechanic I didn't understand :L

We dont need a story. I put it here because of that the question was as hard to debug as bad coding. It has already been answered now people can generally answer your questions you put up.
By Blaze150
#62286 Hey wobminer
First of all boss pokes are definitley not op i can easily beat trainers lvl100 boss pokes with like lvl60-70 pokes and it is really easy to 1-hit wild boss pokes with the right move
Secondly they sometimes cause glitches i play on justiscraft, bosses used to wipe players pc's all the time but it doesn't really happen anymore idk why
And lastly as a gym leader and some who doesn't catch bosses i feel you should ban them, but an alternative could just be banning them in events and gym battles cause it does get really annoying
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By ryancpexpert
#64515 If you catch a Level 100 Boss Pokemon, The stats will be way worse than a normal one of those, EV trained or not. In my opinion boss Pokemon aren't OP at all, so I would say no, don't ban them from your server.