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Foquine wrote:Maybe if Game Freak give the mod permission to do it?

doubt it, we jsut need to wait a year really, then we'll be fine

By AngryGroudon
#83241 The only pokemon that would be added is slyveon, due to evolution of eevee, next would be the fossil pokemon (possibly).
Like what happened with archen and etc. Unless it's changed, like SPG said.
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AngryGroudon wrote:The only pokemon that would be added is slyveon, due to evolution of eevee, next would be the fossil pokemon (possibly).
Like what happened with archen and etc. Unless it's changed, like SPG said.

I dont even know if we will add that tbh we need to add fairy types in code anyways
By cyanide64
#83434 It is best wait AT LEAST ONE YEAR before putting in gen 6 pokemon because Nintendo (and its subsidiaries) are known for almost rabid defence of intellectual properties and copyrights. The last thing we want is for Pixelmon to start receiving Cease and Desist orders. Let's be honest, is there anything in gen 6 worth losing this amazing mod over? I didn't think so.
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cyanide64 wrote:It is best wait AT LEAST ONE YEAR before putting in gen 6 pokemon because Nintendo (and its subsidiaries) are known for almost rabid defence of intellectual properties and copyrights. The last thing we want is for Pixelmon to start receiving Cease and Desist orders. Let's be honest, is there anything in gen 6 worth losing this amazing mod over? I didn't think so.

Yes there is, all of gen 6, by the time we model gen 2-5 it would be summer of 2014 or later
#83446 Exactly. Just get copyright permits and it's all good. I bet the mod will get more donations if 6th gen models are added.
By cyanide64
#83456 I didn't mean it in the sense that gen 6 should not be included, just not yet. And as for PixelBOMBXY, I'm pretty sure things are more complicated than that.
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By IceMan8030
PixelBOMBXY wrote:Exactly. Just get copyright permits and it's all good. I bet the mod will get more donations if 6th gen models are added.

Just drop it Gen 6 isn't going to happen anytime soon.