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By dman6745
#9811 So I was playing with my friends when I looked in the pokedex and saw nidoran male. I really wanted one so I searched for a long time but only found the female one. Does anyone know if its even in the game?

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By KuryoZT
#9869 Which pokedex did you look in?
Because for a up-to-date list of in-game pokemon, here's the link: ... hbHc#gid=0

I found it useful, hope you do too.
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By KuryoZT
#9893 here's the thing, I jsut checked the in-game pokedex, and a lot of names appear in it, but the ones that are actually in-game are the ones with the designs shown on the side, always rolling/turning I don't know how to say it, but the models are shown just left of Height\Weight.