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By artimas22
#98201 I am setting up a pixelmon server and wanted to know what plugins might be recommended to start with. I have created modded servers before but it has been a while since i closed down my last one. below is a list of plugins, i have right now, i know there are probably some important ones i should have but i cant think of them.


I will add more to this list as i add them.

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By Cesiken
#98228 Hello, artimas22!

There are not really any recommended plugins to use with Pixelmon as Bukkit does not communicate with Pixelmon.
However, the main plugins you may want to use is Essentials, Groupmanager (or PermissionsEx), Worldedit, Worldguard and ClearLagg.
If you have another question, don't hesitate to ask me!

Best Regards,
By artimas22
Cesiken wrote:Hello, artimas22!

There are not really any recommended plugins to use with Pixelmon as Bukkit does not communicate with Pixelmon.
However, the main plugins you may want to use is Essentials, Groupmanager (or PermissionsEx), Worldedit, Worldguard and ClearLagg.
If you have another question, don't hesitate to ask me!

Best Regards,

i have added those before you posted lol XD but im trying to think of plugins that will help me make it a little more like the actual games with the shops to buy tm's and pokeball's like other servers have, However i'm having trouble thinking of things that would be good for it. I guess i should have worded the original post a little better. Sorry! also could you recommend what the spawn rates should be for Pokemon for a server with about 40-50 people or more? Oh and before i forget are there plugins that will automatically save the server to a set time interval and perhaps even restart it with a 5min warning/countdown?