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Belue Berry

From Pixelmon Wiki
Revision as of 01:14, 11 September 2023 by Laulox19 (talk | contribs) (→‎Natural generation)
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Belue Berry
Grid Belue Berry.png
Belue Berry Tree.png

A Belue Berry is a type of berry that can be used in an Infuser to create a Odd Incense.


Natural generation

Belue Berry trees are naturally generated in some farms in snowy tundra villages.

Pokémon drops

Main article: Drops

Pokémon Chance Quantity
Audino 50% 1-2


Main article: Forage

Item Biome Environment Rarity
Grid Belue Berry.pngBelue Berry Freezing Forests
Surface 10


Infusing Ingredient

Main article: Incenses (Infusion)

Item Ingredients Infusing recipe
Grid Odd Incense.png
Odd Incense
Belue Berry +
Incense Burner

3xBelue Berry

Incense Burner

Grid Coal.png

Odd Incense

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