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End City

From Pixelmon Wiki
Revision as of 14:54, 31 October 2023 by Laulox19 (talk | contribs) (→‎Loot)
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The End City is a default MC Structure that spawns in the End biomes.


Each end city chest contains items drawn from 6 pools (one per category), with the following distribution:

Category Item Stack size Weight Chance Avg.
per chest
1x 2x 1-3x 1-4x 1x 2x 1-3x 1-4x
Artifacts Grid Master Ball.pngMaster Ball 1 1/54 1.9% 0.019
Artifacts Grid Adamant Orb.pngAdamant Orb 1 1/54 1.9% 0.019
Artifacts Grid Lustrous Orb.pngLustrous Orb 1 1/54 1.9% 0.019
Treasure Grid Relic Copper.pngRelic Copper 1 3/20 15% 0.150
Treasure Grid Relic Gold.pngRelic Gold 1 1/20 5% 0.050
Treasure Grid Relic Silver.pngRelic Silver 1 2/20 10% 0.100
Treasure Grid Stardust.pngStardust 1 2/20 10% 0.100
Treasure Grid Star Piece.pngStar Piece 1 1/20 5% 0.050
Treasure Grid Comet Shard.pngComet Shard 1 1/20 5% 0.050
Held Items Grid Twisted Spoon.pngTwisted Spoon 1 1/19 5.3% 0.053
Held Items Grid Black Glasses.pngBlack Glasses 1 1/19 5.3% 0.053
Held Items Grid Mind Plate.pngMind Plate 1 1/19 5.3% 0.053
Held Items Grid Dread Plate.pngDread Plate 1 1/19 5.3% 0.053
Gems Grid Psychic Gem.pngPsychic Gem 1–3 2/9 38.2% 0.889
Gems Grid Dark Gem.pngDark Gem 1–3 2/9 38.2% 0.889
Combat Grid Diamond Sword.pngEnchanted Diamond Sword[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Diamond Boots.pngEnchanted Diamond Boots[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Diamond Chestplate.pngEnchanted Diamond Chestplate[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Diamond Leggings.pngEnchanted Diamond Leggings[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Diamond Helmet.pngEnchanted Diamond Helmet[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Diamond Pickaxe.pngEnchanted Diamond Pickaxe[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Diamond Shovel.pngEnchanted Diamond Shovel[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Sword.pngEnchanted Iron Sword[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Boots.pngEnchanted Iron Boots[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Chestplate.pngEnchanted Iron Chestplate[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Leggings.pngEnchanted Iron Leggings[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Helmet.pngEnchanted Iron Helmet[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Pickaxe.pngEnchanted Iron Pickaxe[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Combat Grid Iron Shovel.pngEnchanted Iron Shovel[E] 1 3/42 13.8% 0.143
Vanilla Grid Emerald.pngEmerald 1–2 1/65 3.8% 0.058
Vanilla Grid Diamond.pngDiamond 1–2 2/65 7.5% 0.115
Vanilla Grid Gold Ingot.pngGold Ingot 1–3 5/65 17.8% 0.385
Vanilla Grid Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot 1–3 7/65 24.2% 0.538
Vanilla Grid Chorus Fruit.pngChorus Fruit 2–6 20/65 56.7% 3.077
Vanilla Grid Ender Pearl.pngEnder Pearl 2–6 20/65 56.7% 3.077
Vanilla Grid Enchanted Book.pngEnchanted Book 1 10/65 33% 0.385


As of version 8.2, spawning changes restricted certain Pokémon to the End only. The Legendary Pokémon Deoxys and Regieleki may spawn here.

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