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All Forests

From Pixelmon Wiki

All Forests is a Better Spawner Category that contains by default the following biomes:

Vanilla Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Birch Forest minecraft:birch_forest
Dark Forest minecraft:dark_forest
Dark Forest Hills minecraft:dark_forest_hills
Flower Forest minecraft:flower_forest
Forest minecraft:forest
Giant Spruce Taiga minecraft:giant_spruce_taiga
Giant Spruce Taiga Hills minecraft:giant_spruce_taiga_hills
Giant Tree Taiga minecraft:giant_tree_taiga
Giant Tree Taiga Hills minecraft:giant_tree_taiga_hills
Taiga minecraft:taiga
Taiga Hills minecraft:taiga_hills
Taiga Mountains minecraft:taiga_mountains
Tall Birch Forest minecraft:tall_birch_forest
Tall Birch Hills minecraft:tall_birch_hills
Wooded Hills minecraft:wooded_hills

Biomes O' Plenty Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Coniferous Forest biomesoplenty:coniferous_forest
Dense Woodland biomesoplenty:dense_woodland
Grove biomesoplenty:grove
Meadow Forest biomesoplenty:meadow_forest
Orchard biomesoplenty:orchard
Redwood Forest biomesoplenty:redwood_forest
Redwood Forest Edge biomesoplenty:redwood_forest_edge
Redwood Hills biomesoplenty:redwood_hills
Seasonal Forest biomesoplenty:seasonal_forest
Seasonal Orchard biomesoplenty:seasonal_orchard
Woodland biomesoplenty:woodland

Biomes You'll Go Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Ancient Forest byg:ancient_forest
Aspen Forest byg:aspen_forest
Aspen Forest Hills byg:aspen_forest_hills
Black Forest Hills byg:black_forest_hills
Blue Taiga byg:blue_taiga
Blue Taiga Hills byg:blue_taiga_hills
Boreal Clearing byg:boreal_clearing
Boreal Forest byg:boreal_forest
Boreal Forest Hills byg:boreal_forest_hills
Coniferous Forest byg:coniferous_forest
Coniferous Forest Hills byg:coniferous_forest_hills
Deciduous Clearing byg:deciduous_clearing
Deciduous Forest byg:deciduous_forest
Deciduous Forest Hills byg:deciduous_forest_hills
Ebony Hills byg:ebony_hills
Ebony Woods byg:ebony_woods
Evergreen Hills byg:evergreen_hills
Evergreen Taiga byg:evergreen_taiga
Flowering Ancient Forest byg:flowering_ancient_forest
Forest Fault byg:forest_fault
Grove byg:grove
Jacaranda Clearing byg:jacaranda_clearing
Jacaranda Forest byg:jacaranda_forest
Jacaranda Forest Hills byg:jacaranda_forest_hills
Maple Hills byg:maple_hills
Maple Taiga byg:maple_taiga
Orchard byg:orchard
Pointed Stone Forest byg:pointed_stone_forest
Pumpkin Forest byg:pumpkin_forest
Red Oak Forest byg:red_oak_forest
Red Oak Forest Hills byg:red_oak_forest_hills
Red Spruce Taiga byg:red_spruce_taiga
Redwood Clearing byg:redwood_clearing
Redwood Mountains byg:redwood_mountains
Redwood Tropics byg:redwood_tropics
Seasonal Birch Forest byg:seasonal_birch_forest
Seasonal Birch Forest Hills byg:seasonal_birch_forest_hills
Seasonal Deciduous Clearing byg:seasonal_deciduous_clearing
Seasonal Deciduous Forest byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest
Seasonal Deciduous Forest Hills byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest_hills
Seasonal Forest byg:seasonal_forest
Seasonal Forest Hills byg:seasonal_forest_hills
Seasonal Taiga byg:seasonal_taiga
Seasonal Taiga Hills byg:seasonal_taiga_hills
Skyris Highlands byg:skyris_highlands
Skyris Highlands Clearing byg:skyris_highlands_clearing
Skyris Peaks byg:skyris_peaks
Skyris Steeps byg:skyris_steeps
Stone Forest byg:stone_forest
The Black Forest byg:the_black_forest
Wooded Grassland Plateau byg:wooded_grassland_plateau
Wooded Meadow byg:wooded_meadow
Woodlands byg:woodlands
Zelkova Clearing byg:zelkova_clearing
Zelkova Forest byg:zelkova_forest
Zelkova Forest Hills byg:zelkova_forest_hills

Terraforged Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Fir Forest terraforged:fir_forest

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