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This page is a translated version of the page Apricorns and the translation is 0% complete.

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Apricorns can be found on Apricorn trees or by using Forage on leaves with a Bug-type or Grass-type Pokémon. They used to make Poké Ball discs, needed to make Poké Balls. In order to make discs, the Apricorns must first be cooked into cooked Apricorns in a furnace. All discs are made with color patterns in a row in a crafting table. Crafting the different kinds of Poké Ball discs requires combining different colored cooked Apricorns in a pattern (e.g., one cooked Red Apricorn in the middle of two cooked Blue Apricorns will produce Great Ball discs). The discs can then be used with an anvil and a hammer to make the corresponding Poké Ball lids.

The recipes for crafting different Poké Ball discs are on the Poké Ball discs page.

Available Apricorns


Pokémon drops

Main article: Drops

Drop Pokémon Chance Quantity
Grid Black Apricorn.pngBlack Apricorn Watchog 75% 1-3
Grid Blue Apricorn.pngBlue Apricorn Greedent 50% 1
Grid Red Apricorn.pngRed Apricorn Patrat 66.667% 1-2
Skwovet 50% 1
Greedent 66.667% 1-2


Apricorns are foraged without considering their type. A random type of apricorn has the following chances of being foraged:

Pokémon type Block Chance
BugType.pngBug Grid Leaves.pngLeaves 40%
GrassType.pngGrass Grid Leaves.pngLeaves 39.773%


Smelting ingredient

Item Ingredients Smelting recipe
Cooked Apricorn Matching Apricorn +
Any fuel

Red Apricorn

Grid Coal.png

Cooked Red Apricorn


  • Apricorns used to be part of the following crafting recipes, which are no longer working:
Item Ingredients Crafting recipe
Poké Ball Rug White Wool +
Matching Apricorn

White Wool

Red Apricorn

White Wool

Red Poké Ball Rug

Umbrella White Wool +
Matching Apricorn +

White Wool

Red Apricorn



White Wool

Red Umbrella

Cushion Chair White Wool +
Matching Apricorn +
Iron Ingot

White Wool

Red Apricorn

Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot

White Wool

Red Cushion Chair

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