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Berries are one-use organic items. Some are held items with in-battle effects and others have effects outside of battle. Like Apricorns, they can be planted and grown as Berry trees. They can also be obtained as tier 1 or 2 special drops (depending on the Berry) or by using Forage. Many Berries can be obtained as drops from certain wild Pokémon.


When held by a Pokémon, the majority of these Berries automatically activate when their effects are needed (e.g., Oran Berries activate when a Pokémon's health drops below 50%). These Berries can also be manually used inside or outside of battle to heal a Pokémon.


When used on a Pokémon, each of these Berries lowers a specific EV by 10 and slightly raises the Pokémon happiness.

Berry Type
Grid Pomeg Berry.pngPomeg Berry HP
Grid Kelpsy Berry.pngKelpsy Berry Attack
Grid Qualot Berry.pngQualot Berry Defense
Grid Hondew Berry.pngHondew Berry Special Attack
Grid Grepa Berry.pngGrepa Berry Special Defense
Grid Tamato Berry.pngTamato Berry Speed


Each of these Berries reduces the power of a single super effective move of the corresponding type by 50%. If a Pokémon that is not weak to a certain type holds the corresponding Berry, the Berry will do nothing. An exception is the Chilan Berry, which works regardless of effectiveness (unless the Pokémon is immune) as Normal-type moves are not super effective against any type.

Berry Type
Grid Babiri Berry.pngBabiri Berry SteelType.pngSteel
Grid Charti Berry.pngCharti Berry RockType.pngRock
Grid Chilan Berry.pngChilan Berry NormalType.pngNormal
Grid Chople Berry.pngChople Berry FightingType.pngFighting
Grid Coba Berry.pngCoba Berry FlyingType.pngFlying
Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry DarkType.pngDark
Grid Haban Berry.pngHaban Berry DragonType.pngDragon
Grid Kasib Berry.pngKasib Berry GhostType.pngGhost
Grid Kebia Berry.pngKebia Berry PoisonType.pngPoison
Grid Occa Berry.pngOcca Berry FireType.pngFire
Grid Passho Berry.pngPassho Berry WaterType.pngWater
Grid Payapa Berry.pngPayapa Berry PsychicType.pngPsychic
Grid Rindo Berry.pngRindo Berry GrassType.pngGrass
Grid Roseli Berry.pngRoseli Berry FairyType.pngFairy
Grid Shuca Berry.pngShuca Berry GroundType.pngGround
Grid Tanga Berry.pngTanga Berry BugType.pngBug
Grid Wacan Berry.pngWacan Berry ElectricType.pngElectric
Grid Yache Berry.pngYache Berry IceType.pngIce


These Berries have various effects that activate when the Pokémon's health drops below 25%.


These Berries cause certain effects when the holder is hit with a certain type of attack.


These Berries cause an attacker to take ⅛ of its maximum HP in recoil damage.


These Berries raise one of the holder's stats.


These Berries can be used in the Infuser along with an Incense burner to create different Incenses


These Berries can be eaten by the player as a food source or for various short-term effects.

Nutrition Saturation Effect Berries
2 0.2 Grid Cornn Berry.pngCornn Berry, Grid Magost Berry.pngMagost Berry, Grid Rabuta Berry.pngRabuta Berry, Grid Nomel Berry.pngNomel Berry, Grid Spelon Berry.pngSpelon Berry, Grid Pamtre Berry.pngPamtre Berry, Grid Watmel Berry.pngWatmel Berry, Grid Durin Berry.pngDurin Berry, Grid Belue Berry.pngBelue Berry, Grid Razz Berry.pngRazz Berry, Grid Bluk Berry.pngBluk Berry, Grid Nanab Berry.pngNanab Berry, Grid Wepear Berry.pngWepear Berry, Grid Pinap Berry.pngPinap Berry, Grid Strib Berry.pngStrib Berry, Grid Nutpea Berry.pngNutpea Berry, Grid Kuo Berry.pngKuo Berry, Grid Niniku Berry.pngNiniku Berry, Grid Topo Berry.pngTopo Berry, Grid Leppa Berry.pngLeppa Berry
2 0.3 Grid Ginema Berry.pngGinema Berry, Grid Apicot Berry.pngApicot Berry, Grid Liechi Berry.pngLiechi Berry, Grid Ganlon Berry.pngGanlon Berry, Grid Salac Berry.pngSalac Berry, Grid Petaya Berry.pngPetaya Berry, Grid Lansat Berry.pngLansat Berry, Grid Starf Berry.pngStarf Berry, Grid Occa Berry.pngOcca Berry, Grid Passho Berry.pngPassho Berry, Grid Wacan Berry.pngWacan Berry, Grid Rindo Berry.pngRindo Berry, Grid Yache Berry.pngYache Berry, Grid Chople Berry.pngChople Berry, Grid Kebia Berry.pngKebia Berry, Grid Shuca Berry.pngShuca Berry, Grid Coba Berry.pngCoba Berry, Grid Payapa Berry.pngPayapa Berry, Grid Tanga Berry.pngTanga Berry, Grid Charti Berry.pngCharti Berry, Grid Kasib Berry.pngKasib Berry, Grid Haban Berry.pngHaban Berry, Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry, Grid Babiri Berry.pngBabiri Berry, Grid Chilan Berry.pngChilan Berry, Grid Roseli Berry.pngRoseli Berry
15s Resistance Grid Jaboca Berry.pngJaboca Berry, Grid Rowap Berry.pngRowap Berry, Grid Kee Berry.pngKee Berry, Grid Maranga Berry.pngMaranga Berry
25s Haste II (25%) Grid Micle Berry.pngMicle Berry
25s Speed II (25%) Grid Custap Berry.pngCustap Berry
5s Fire Resistance Grid Rawst Berry.pngRawst Berry, Grid Yago Berry.pngYago Berry
5s Haste Grid Persim Berry.pngPersim Berry, Grid Touga Berry.pngTouga Berry
5s Luck Grid Eggant Berry.pngEggant Berry
5s Night Vision Grid Aspear Berry.pngAspear Berry, Grid Pumkin Berry.pngPumkin Berry
5s Regeneration Grid Pecha Berry.pngPecha Berry, Grid Drash Berry.pngDrash Berry
5s Resistance Grid Chesto Berry.pngChesto Berry
5s Speed Grid Cheri Berry.pngCheri Berry
5s Absorption Grid Lum Berry.pngLum Berry
3 0.3 Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry
4 0.3 † See Below Grid Enigma Berry.pngEnigma Berry
4 0.5 Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry
5 0.5 4s Wither (20%) Grid Pomeg Berry.pngPomeg Berry, Grid Kelpsy Berry.pngKelpsy Berry, Grid Qualot Berry.pngQualot Berry, Grid Hondew Berry.pngHondew Berry, Grid Grepa Berry.pngGrepa Berry, Grid Tamato Berry.pngTamato Berry
6 0.3 15s Nausea II (12.5%) Grid Aguav Berry.pngAguav Berry, Grid Figy Berry.pngFigy Berry, Grid Iapapa Berry.pngIapapa Berry, Grid Mago Berry.pngMago Berry, Grid Wiki Berry.pngWiki Berry

† Enigma Berry Effects


Berries can be foraged on the surface at any time in various biomes, each with rarity 10. If a given biome is in multiple categories, all berries for each category can be foraged in it. For example, a Dark Forest biome is in both Roofed and All Forests categories, so the Wepear Berry from Roofed can be foraged as well as all the berries available to All Forests.

Biome Category Berries
All Forests Grid Chople Berry.pngChople Berry, Grid Drash Berry.pngDrash Berry, Grid Eggant Berry.pngEggant Berry, Grid Ginema Berry.pngGinema Berry, Grid Grepa Berry.pngGrepa Berry, Grid Leppa Berry.pngLeppa Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry, Grid Touga Berry.pngTouga Berry
Beaches Grid Jaboca Berry.pngJaboca Berry, Grid Kelpsy Berry.pngKelpsy Berry, Grid Mago Berry.pngMago Berry, Grid Nanab Berry.pngNanab Berry, Grid Pamtre Berry.pngPamtre Berry, Grid Salac Berry.pngSalac Berry, Grid Starf Berry.pngStarf Berry
Birches Grid Kebia Berry.pngKebia Berry, Grid Nomel Berry.pngNomel Berry, Grid Wepear Berry.pngWepear Berry
Evil Grid Enigma Berry.pngEnigma Berry, Grid Leppa Berry.pngLeppa Berry, Grid Micle Berry.pngMicle Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Roseli Berry.pngRoseli Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry
Flowery Grid Babiri Berry.pngBabiri Berry, Grid Charti Berry.pngCharti Berry, Grid Durin Berry.pngDurin Berry, Grid Enigma Berry.pngEnigma Berry, Grid Haban Berry.pngHaban Berry, Grid Kasib Berry.pngKasib Berry, Grid Lansat Berry.pngLansat Berry, Grid Liechi Berry.pngLiechi Berry, Grid Maranga Berry.pngMaranga Berry, Grid Micle Berry.pngMicle Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Petaya Berry.pngPetaya Berry, Grid Salac Berry.pngSalac Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry, Grid Tanga Berry.pngTanga Berry
Forests Grid Cheri Berry.pngCheri Berry, Grid Lum Berry.pngLum Berry, Grid Wepear Berry.pngWepear Berry
Freezing Forests Grid Belue Berry.pngBelue Berry, Grid Leppa Berry.pngLeppa Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry
Jungles Grid Aguav Berry.pngAguav Berry, Grid Aspear Berry.pngAspear Berry, Grid Coba Berry.pngCoba Berry, Grid Figy Berry.pngFigy Berry, Grid Mago Berry.pngMago Berry, Grid Magost Berry.pngMagost Berry, Grid Maranga Berry.pngMaranga Berry, Grid Nanab Berry.pngNanab Berry, Grid Nomel Berry.pngNomel Berry, Grid Occa Berry.pngOcca Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Passho Berry.pngPassho Berry, Grid Payapa Berry.pngPayapa Berry, Grid Pinap Berry.pngPinap Berry, Grid Rabuta Berry.pngRabuta Berry, Grid Shuca Berry.pngShuca Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry, Grid Wacan Berry.pngWacan Berry
Lakes Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry, Grid Grepa Berry.pngGrepa Berry, Grid Hondew Berry.pngHondew Berry, Grid Iapapa Berry.pngIapapa Berry, Grid Kee Berry.pngKee Berry, Grid Mago Berry.pngMago Berry, Grid Persim Berry.pngPersim Berry, Grid Rowap Berry.pngRowap Berry
Magical Grid Enigma Berry.pngEnigma Berry, Grid Leppa Berry.pngLeppa Berry, Grid Micle Berry.pngMicle Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Roseli Berry.pngRoseli Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry
Mesas Grid Chople Berry.pngChople Berry, Grid Pomeg Berry.pngPomeg Berry, Grid Pumkin Berry.pngPumkin Berry, Grid Yache Berry.pngYache Berry
River Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry, Grid Grepa Berry.pngGrepa Berry, Grid Hondew Berry.pngHondew Berry, Grid Kee Berry.pngKee Berry, Grid Lum Berry.pngLum Berry, Grid Mago Berry.pngMago Berry, Grid Persim Berry.pngPersim Berry, Grid Pomeg Berry.pngPomeg Berry
Mountainous Forests Grid Apicot Berry.pngApicot Berry, Grid Coba Berry.pngCoba Berry, Grid Ganlon Berry.pngGanlon Berry, Grid Kebia Berry.pngKebia Berry, Grid Pecha Berry.pngPecha Berry, Grid Pomeg Berry.pngPomeg Berry, Grid Razz Berry.pngRazz Berry, Grid Tamato Berry.pngTamato Berry, Grid Wiki Berry.pngWiki Berry
Mushroom Grid Enigma Berry.pngEnigma Berry, Grid Leppa Berry.pngLeppa Berry, Grid Micle Berry.pngMicle Berry, Grid Oran Berry.pngOran Berry, Grid Sitrus Berry.pngSitrus Berry
Plains Grid Chople Berry.pngChople Berry, Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry, Grid Cornn Berry.pngCornn Berry, Grid Ginema Berry.pngGinema Berry, Grid Lum Berry.pngLum Berry, Grid Pumkin Berry.pngPumkin Berry, Grid Qualot Berry.pngQualot Berry, Grid Rawst Berry.pngRawst Berry, Grid Touga Berry.pngTouga Berry, Grid Watmel Berry.pngWatmel Berry
Redwoods Grid Chesto Berry.pngChesto Berry, Grid Chilan Berry.pngChilan Berry, Grid Wiki Berry.pngWiki Berry
Roofed Grid Wepear Berry.pngWepear Berry
Savannas Grid Aguav Berry.pngAguav Berry, Grid Charti Berry.pngCharti Berry, Grid Cheri Berry.pngCheri Berry, Grid Chople Berry.pngChople Berry, Grid Cornn Berry.pngCornn Berry, Grid Hondew Berry.pngHondew Berry, Grid Pumkin Berry.pngPumkin Berry, Grid Roseli Berry.pngRoseli Berry, Grid Spelon Berry.pngSpelon Berry, Grid Watmel Berry.pngWatmel Berry, Grid Yago Berry.pngYago Berry
Swamps Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry, Grid Haban Berry.pngHaban Berry, Grid Iapapa Berry.pngIapapa Berry, Grid Kee Berry.pngKee Berry, Grid Pamtre Berry.pngPamtre Berry, Grid Passho Berry.pngPassho Berry, Grid Pinap Berry.pngPinap Berry, Grid Rindo Berry.pngRindo Berry, Grid Rowap Berry.pngRowap Berry
Taigas Grid Belue Berry.pngBelue Berry, Grid Chesto Berry.pngChesto Berry, Grid Chilan Berry.pngChilan Berry, Grid Ganlon Berry.pngGanlon Berry, Grid Tamato Berry.pngTamato Berry, Grid Wiki Berry.pngWiki Berry


Before Pixelmon Mod, some restorative Berries could be crafted into medicine. This is no longer possible without modifying recipes with another mod.

Item Crafting recipe
Ice Heal

Water Bottle

Aspear Berry

Ice Heal



Water Bottle

Pumkin Berry

Ice Heal



Paralyze Heal

Water Bottle

Cheri Berry

Paralyze Heal




Water Bottle

Chesto Berry





Water Bottle

Drash Berry




Water Bottle

Pecha Berry





Water Bottle

Leppa Berry






Leppa Berry



Full Heal

Water Bottle

Lum Berry

Full Heal



Heal Powder

Lum Berry


Heal Powder




Water Bottle

Oran Berry




Berry Juice

Oran Berry

Oran Berry


Berry Juice


Burn Heal

Water Bottle

Rawst Berry

Burn Heal



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