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Colbur Berry

From Pixelmon Wiki
Colbur Berry
Grid Colbur Berry.png
Colbur Berry Tree.png

A Colbur Berry is a type of berry that halves the damage of one super effective Dark-type move aimed at the holder. It can be obtained as a tier 2 special drop.


Natural generation

Colbur Berry trees are naturally generated in some farms in taiga villages.

Pokémon drops

Main article: Drops

Pokémon Chance Quantity
Haunter 10% 1
Metang 10% 1
Metagross 30% 1-2
Espurr 10% 1


Main article: Forage

Item Biome Environment Rarity
Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry Lakes
Plains (Category)
Surface 10


Crafting ingredient

Item Ingredients Crafting recipe
Weak Dark Lure Silver Lure Casing +
Colbur Berry +
Oran Berry +
Leppa Berry

Silver Lure Casing

Oran Berry

Colbur Berry

Leppa Berry

Weak Dark Lure

Strong Dark Lure Gold Lure Casing +
Colbur Berry +
Sitrus Berry +
Lum Berry +
Enigma Berry

Gold Lure Casing

Lum Berry

Colbur Berry

Enigma Berry

Sitrus Berry

Strong Dark Lure

Infusing ingredient

Main article: Type Gems (Infusion)

Item Ingredients Infusing recipe
Grid Dark Gem.png
Dark Gem
Colbur Berry +
Crystal Block

Colbur Berry

Crystal Block

Grid Coal.png

Dark Gem

Natural Gift

Main article: Natural Gift (Move)

Natural Gift's type and power based on Colbur Berry is as follows:

Berry Type Power
Grid Colbur Berry.pngColbur Berry DarkType.pngDark 80


  • Berries were foraged without considering their type. This chart shows the chance a random type of berry had to be foraged.
  • Before update 8.1, this item could be foraged by Pokémon of certain types:
Pokémon type Block Chance
BugType.pngBug Grid Leaves.pngLeaves 31.429%
GrassType.pngGrass Grid Leaves.pngLeaves 31.25%

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