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Exp. Share

From Pixelmon Wiki
Grid Exp. Share New.png

For the item that matches the Exp. Share's functions in the Generation 6 Pokémon games, see Exp. All.

An Exp. Share is a held item that awards experience to the holder even if it does not participate in battle, as long as the holder is not fainted and in the player's party. If the Pokémon does not participate in battle, it will gain 50% of the normal experience and the full amount of EVs from the defeated Pokémon. If a Pokémon with an Exp. Share participates in battle, it will gain the full amount of experience and EVs as normal. Multiple Exp. Shares will not interfere with each other; all Pokémon holding an Exp. Share will receive the full effects of the item.

It has a chance to appear in a spawn bonus chest, or as a tier 2, 3 or 4 special drop. It is also a possible drop from rare, epic, and legendary boss Pokémon, or from a wild Arceus.


Pokémon drops

Main article: Drops

Pokémon Chance Quantity
Arceus 50% 1


This information only applies to older versions of Pixelmon. Content is no longer present in the mod.

Before Reforged, this item had the following recipe. It was removed due to many held items being far too easy to make.

Item Crafting recipe
Exp. Share


Lapis Lazuli

Aluminum Ingot


Aluminum Ingot


Lapis Lazuli

Aluminum Ingot

Exp. Share

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