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From Pixelmon Wiki

Jungles is a Better Spawner Category that contains by default the following biomes:

Vanilla Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Bamboo Jungle minecraft:bamboo_jungle
Bamboo Jungle Hills minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills
Jungle minecraft:jungle
Jungle Edge minecraft:jungle_edge
Jungle Hills minecraft:jungle_hills
Modified Jungle minecraft:modified_jungle
Modified Jungle Edge minecraft:modified_jungle_edge

Biomes O' Plenty Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Rainforest biomesoplenty:rainforest
Rainforest Cliffs biomesoplenty:rainforest_cliffs
Rainforest Floodplain biomesoplenty:rainforest_floodplain
Tropic Beach biomesoplenty:tropic_beach
Tropics biomesoplenty:tropics

Biomes You'll Go Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Bamboo Forest byg:bamboo_forest
Guiana Clearing byg:guiana_clearing
Guiana Shield byg:guiana_shield
Guiana Spings byg:guiana_springs
Tropical Fungal Forest byg:tropical_fungal_forest
Tropical Fungal Rainforest Hills byg:tropical_fungal_rainforest_hills
Tropical Islands byg:tropical_islands
Tropical Rainforest byg:tropical_rainforest
Tropical Rainforest Hills byg:tropical_rainforest_hills

Terraforged Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Stone Forest terraforged:stone_forest

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