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From Pixelmon Wiki
<translate> Warning</translate> Warning: As of March 2022, PixelLink will no long work as you need a Microsoft Account. Please use our Microsoft linking option in the forum account settings [here] Launcher.png

PixelLink is a small application that can be used to link a player's Minecraft Mojang and Pixelmon forum accounts together.

Linking accounts allows you to access any donation sashes and giveaway rewards you may have gotten, as well as giving you the complementary Trainer Hat, Scorbunny Hood and Robe.


Linux 64-bit

PixelLink is a 32-bit application. If you are using a 64-bit version of Linux, you will need to have certain libraries installed to run 32-bit applications; these libraries can be installed by using the following command in Terminal:

sudo apt-get install lib32z1 libgtk2.0-0:i386 libnotify4:i386 libxtst6:i386 gconf-service-backend:i386 gconf2:i386 libnspr4-dev:i386 libnss3-dev:i386 libasound2:i386 overlay-scrollbar-gtk2:i386 libatk-adaptor:i386 libgail-common:i386 unity-gtk2-module:i386 libcanberra-gtk-module:i386

Note that this command is for Linux distributions with the APT package manager (e.g. Debian and derivatives like Ubuntu). If your Linux distribution has a different package manager, you should use the respective command for your native package manager.


To get PixelLink working, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the correct version of PixelLink for your platform from this link, at the bottom.
  2. Double Click and run the PixelLink executable from the folder you downloaded it to earlier, generally the downloads folder.
  3. Click "Continue".
  4. Enter your Pixelmon forum username and the matching password and then continue again.
  5. Wait for the Minecraft login page to come up.
  6. Enter the info you used to register your Minecraft account.
  7. Click "Link".
  8. Wait for the confirmation page to come up. If you see this page, you are now linked!
  9. In-game you can now run the command /redeem and then /redeem gui to access any cosmetics you might have!

Your antivirus might come up with a warning, as PixelLink is not a commonly-seen file. If you trust the program, find the option to run the program anyways. (this may be hidden behind a "More info" button).

PixelLink is completely safe, is only required once, and can be removed entirely after the linking process is done. It does not store your credentials, and active links persist even if you change your Minecraft password.

If you encounter any errors during linking, make sure your MC account was not linked to a forums account already.

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