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Pixelmon Bingo

From Pixelmon Wiki

Pixelmon Bingo is a Pixelmon sidemod that gives each player a card of 28 Pokémon that they have to catch within the next 24 hours. Upon catching individual Pokémon they're given a reward. If a whole line of Pokémon are caught, players are given a better reward. And finally, when completing the entire card they get given an even better reward. Players receive a new card every 24 hours.


Minecraft version Pixelmon version Pixelmon Bingo version
1.12.2 8.3.3 0.9.1

Pixelmon Bingo is a Forge sidemod, which means it can be installed on any type of server software that supports mods, such as Sponge or Magma/Mohist. An SQL database is required for this sidemod to function. Guides for setting one up locally can be found here and here. Alternatively, server hosts may be able to provide one. It's recommended to contact them or read up on their documentation to see if this is possible.
The SQL information should be entered in the config.yml.


  1. Download Pixelmon Bingo for your version of Minecraft/Pixelmon here.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar in the server's mods folder.
  3. Start the server and wait for it to load.
  4. Open the configuration folder in the server's config/ReforgedBingo and edit the files as desired.
  5. Either restart the server or use the /bingo reload command (see commands section for more detail) to load any changes made.


  1. Download Pixelmon Bingo for your version of Minecraft/Pixelmon here.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar in the game's mods folder.
  3. Start the server and wait for it to load.
  4. Open the configuration folder in the game's .minecraft/config/ReforgedBingo and edit the files as desired.
  5. Either restart the server or use the /bingo reload command (see commands section for more detail) to load any changes made.


Note: Command syntax is displayed in the standard Minecraft command format. An explanation of this format can be found here.

Player commands

  • /bingo (Aliases: /bingoc, /bingocard) : This is the Main Command that opens the Bingo GUI.

Staff commands

  • /bingo reload : This command reloads the configuration files.
  • /bingo reroll <user> : This command re-rolls the target player's card.


  • /bingo : There are no required permissions for this default command.
  • /bingo reload :
  • /bingo reroll :


Note: The configuration files are in the .yml format - They can be validated here when making significant changes.

Config File

The config.yml contains all of the information for the Bingo GUI, GUI Items, Settings, Rewards and more.

database: - The SQL database information.

pool-name: - The name identifier of the database (Default value recommended). Default: ReforgedBingo
ip: - The IP of the database (Must be inserted).
port: - The port for the database (Should stay default most of the time). Default: 3306
username: - The username of the database (Must be inserted).
password: - The password of the database (Must be inserted).
database: - The name of the database (Must be inserted).
max-pool-size: - The pool size of the database (Should stay default most of the time) Default: 30

config-interface: - The section that defines the properties of the Bingo GUI.

title: - The title of the Bingo GUI. Supports color codes. Default: Bingo
height: - The height of the Bingo GUI (Number of rows). Default: 6
fill-type: - The type of background item fill for the Bingo GUI. There are 4 types: BLOCK, ALTERNATING, CHECKERED and CUSTOM. Descriptions of these can be found here. Default: BLOCK
filler-items: - The items used to fill the background of the GUI are under this section, found below.
one: - The first item in the selection that will be used.
enabled: - Whether or not this item is enabled and will show in the GUI. Default: true
type: - The ID of the item. Default: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: - The amount of the item. Default: 1
damage: - The item meta of the item in the slot. This is usually 0. However, in this case, setting it to 15 will show a Black Stained Glass Pane. Default: 15
name: - The name of the item. Supports color codes. Default: ' '
lore: - The lore of the item. Supports color codes.
nbt: - The NBT of the item.

maximum-evolution: - Maximum evolutions allowed per species (0 for only that type). Default: 1
card-duration-seconds: - The duration (in seconds) of the card until a new one is generated (default 1 day). Default: 86400
blacklisted-spawns: - Blocked Pokémon from being added to bingocards. Default: []
slot-complete-rewards: - Rewards for catching a single Pokémon.
line-complete-rewards: - Rewards for completing an entire line.
card-complete-rewards: - Rewards for completing the whole card.
card-slot-commands: - The command(s) to run when a Pokémon is clicked in the GUI. Supports the %pokemon% placeholder.
complete-item: - The item that will appear once a Pokémon is caught/completed. Properties found below.

enabled: - Whether or not this item is enabled.
type: - The ID of the item.
amount: - The amount of the item.
damage: - The item meta of the item in the slot.
name: - The name of the item. Supports color codes.
lore: - The lore of the item. Supports color codes.
nbt: - The NBT of the item.

help-item: - The item that is used to display information about Bingo. Properties found below.

x-pos: - The X position of the item in the GUI.
y-pos: - The Y position of the item in the GUI.
enabled: - Whether or not this item is enabled.
type: - The ID of the item.
amount: - The amount of the item.
damage: - The item meta of the item in the slot.
name: - The name of the item. Supports color codes.
lore: - The lore of the item. Supports color codes.
nbt: - The NBT of the item.

Locale File

The locale.yml contains all of the information for the plugin's messages. All support color codes.

card-reset: - Message to send when the card is reset.
slot-complete-message: - Message to send when a slot is completed.
line-complete-message: - Message to send when a line is completed.
card-complete-message: - Message to send when the card is completed.
remaining-time-message: - Message informing the player how much time is left until a new card is generated.
reload-message: - Message to send when the config is reloaded.
reroll-card-message: - Message to send when the card is re-rolled.
card-slot-lore: - The lore message of the card slot.

Version history

There is no version history available for this sidemod just yet.

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