Note: This tutorial is to be used for in-game instructions; how to install the mod can be found here.
With Pixelmon installed and rearing to go, and you've loaded up your beautiful Minecraft scenery, Pokémon will be running around ceaselessly in the green blocky hills. First, a dialog will appear prompting you to pick your starter Pokémon! Thankfully, in Pixelmon we don't have some strange-looking professor giving us our Pokémon. When selected, the Pokémon you chose will appear in your very own party tab, on the left of your screen. With default controls, O
is to change the size of detail in the party bar on the left. Now point in a direction, and press R
(again, default keys) and your Pokémon will be thrown out violently in front of you! Look at that little fella', looking at you all beady eyed, that cute little Pokémon. The Pokémon you send out doesn't have to be the one that's in the first slot of the party tab. If you have more than one Pokémon, press the ↑
& ↓
buttons (by default) to move the Pokémon selector up or down respectively.
Anyway, now let's get to battling! The ultimate trial of violence for fun sport in the Pokémon universe! Challenging a Pokémon or a Trainer to battle is simple – point at the Pokémon, and toss out your Pokémon so the Poké Ball hits the opponent. Sounds easy, huh? Won't be as easy when you're aiming at a fleeing Rattata, but you have fun with that later. It starts the battle! With the expertly drawn menu at the bottom, you will have interactions with the battle uncannily similar to that of the original games. What a coincidence! You will be given the choice of fighting, using an item from your bag, switching Pokémon, or running for your merry life! Choosing fight will give you the choice of moves to fight your opponent, and that is that.
Time to catch Pokémon
To catch Pokémon, we are going to need some Poké Balls. We will need to craft these! First off, you will need Apricorns. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes! ... Well actually, all are the same size, but that sounded better. Apricorn trees are scattered throughout your game world, BUT WAIT. Don't shatter the Apricorn trees ruthlessly, as that would destroy the poor trees and you'll only get wood out of them. Use a tree to get the Apricorn while still allowing the tree to produce more at a later date. Now that we have the Apricorns, they must be cooked. Place them in a furnace with fuel, and a few seconds of sizzling later, we have cooked Apricorns! You will need three though, so make with the Apricorn hunting. Now with three cooked apricorns, using a crafting table, create yourself a Poké Ball Lid with the following recipe:
Note: This recipe is for standard Poké Balls only. The recipes for the others are listed on the Poké Ball Lids page.
Hooray! We have Poké Ball Lids. Next, just make some stone buttons, nothing serious. Now, grab some iron ingots or aluminum ingots, and lay them out in the same shape as that recipe just below.
Now here comes the fun part! Place these three items anywhere in your crafting interface; it is not necessary to place them in any particular shape.
And voila! A Poké Ball! While engaged in battle with a Pokémon, go to your bag and you will find the Poké Balls! Use one, and it will attempt to capture the Pokémon you are battling! If you have weakened or given a status problem to your opponent, this will be much more likely to succeed. When you successfully capture the Pokémon, it's yours to use!
As you continue your journey new materials such as silver and platinum will need to be used to improve the quality of your Poké Balls.
A more in-depth guide on catching Pokémon can be found here.
Viewing your Pokémon's summary, moves, and stats
To view the summary of your Pokémon, press "E" (by default) to open up your Inventory. By your character, you'll see 6 slots that show your Pokémon's sprites. Right-click on the sprite of the Pokémon you want to view, and you'll see a GUI pop up that will allow you to select either summary, moves, or stats. Left-click on the one you want to view, and another GUI will pop up showing you your Pokémon's information.
Using the PC
Want to have more than six Pokémon? Well, first, you'll need a PC! PCs can be found in randomly spawning Pokémon Centers or crafted like this:
Once the PC is found or made, use it (place it down first if you crafted it). This will open up the PC GUI. Here, you will find Pokémon that have been sent to the PC, and you can also put Pokémon in the PC, or take them out. If you no longer wish to have a certain Pokémon, you can release it by selecting it and then clicking the garbage can icon. To view the summary of a Pokémon in the PC, right-click it and select the section of the Pokémon's information that you wish to see.
Healing your Pokémon
To heal your Pokémon, you'll need a healer or a bed. A bed can only be used at night, so a healer is preferable. Healers can be found in Pokémon Centers that spawn randomly throughout the world or crafted with the following recipe: (Any color of Dye can be used)
Once the healer is crafted, place it down and use it. Your Poké Balls will be placed on the machine, and it will heal your Pokémon. Once the machine has finished healing your Pokémon, it will return them to you.
So, you were mining and you found a mysterious Fossil, did you? Well, if you follow these few easy steps, you can transform that Fossil into a Pokémon!
Firstly, you'll need to clean your Fossil. To clean your Fossil, you'll need a Fossil cleaner.
Once you've got the Fossil cleaner, place it down. Then, with your Fossil in hand, use the Fossil cleaner. The Fossil cleaner will take the Fossil, and you'll see the machine spin it around multiple times. Wait for a few moments until you see the machine stop spinning. Then, use the machine again, and your cleaned Fossil will pop out!
Once the Fossil is cleaned, you are now ready to turn it into a Pokémon! To turn the Fossil into a Pokémon, you'll need the Fossil machine!
To craft the Fossil machine, you'll need multiple parts to create it.
Once you've crafted the Fossil machine, use it with Fossil in hand. The machine will take the Fossil from you, and will start transforming it into a Pokémon. You can see its progress on the screen. When it reaches 100%, it will tell you to insert a Poké Ball. Do so by using the machine with a Poké Ball in hand. It will take the Poké Ball from you, and then it will tell you to retrieve the Pokémon. Do so by using the Poké Ball it just took from you. You will now have your Fossil Pokémon.
Evolving Pokémon with elemental stones
Do you have a Pokémon such as Eevee that you want to evolve with one of the elemental stones? Once you've collected nine of a certain shard, you may craft it into an elemental stone. To get shards, you will need to find certain elemental stone ores around the Minecraft world that you'll need to mine with a pickaxe to obtain. When you have the elemental stone, simply send out the Pokémon that you want to evolve with it, and use the Pokémon while holding that stone.
Also, in your travels, you may come across Moss Rocks and Ice Rocks. These are used to evolve Eevee. Simply battle Pokémon near these rocks, and your Eevee will evolve when it levels up depending on what type of rock you're nearby. If you're by an Moss Rock, it will evolve into Leafeon. If you're by an Ice Rock, it will evolve into Glaceon.
Spawning in Pokémon
Need to spawn in a Pokémon, but don't know how? That's okay, we've got you covered. Simply type in the command /pokespawn <Pokémon>
. The Pokémon you want will be spawned in. The command works in singleplayer if you have cheats turned on, or can be used on multiplayer servers if you have that privilege.