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Icy (Forge)

From Pixelmon Wiki

Icy is a Forge Biome Category that contains by default the following biomes:

Vanilla Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Ice Spikes minecraft:ice_spikes
Snowy Mountains minecraft:snowy_mountains
Snowy Tundra minecraft:snowy_tundra

Pixelmon Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Mount Lanakila pixelmon:mount_lanakila

Biomes You'll Go Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Alps byg:alps
Frozen Lake byg:frozen_lake
Lush Tundra byg:lush_tundra
Northern Forest byg:northern_forest
Shattered Glacier byg:shattered_glacier
Snowy Deciduous Clearing byg:snowy_deciduous_clearing
Snowy Deciduous Forest byg:snowy_deciduous_forest
Snowy Deciduous Forest Hills byg:snowy_deciduous_forest_hills

Biomes O' Plenty Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Alps biomesoplenty:alps
Alps Foothills biomesoplenty:alps_foothills
Cold Desert biomesoplenty:cold_desert
Muskeg biomesoplenty:muskeg
Snowy Coniferous Forest biomesoplenty:snowy_coniferous_forest
Snowy Fir Clearing biomesoplenty:snowy_fir_clearing
Snowy Maple Forest biomesoplenty:snowy_maple_forest

Terraforged Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Snowy Fir Forest terraforged:snowy_fir_forest

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