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Mirror Move

From Pixelmon Wiki
Mirror Move
Type FlyingType.pngFlying
Category  Status
Power  —
Accuracy  —
PP  20
Priority  0
Target  Single target
TM/Tutor  None
External move  None

Mirror Move is a Flying-type move that causes the user to use the move the target last used. Mirror Move will fail if the target did not choose a move to use last turn, switches out, or used Mirror Move as its last move.


By level

Pokémon Level Type
Pidgey 45 NormalType.pngNormal FlyingType.pngFlying
Pidgeotto 52 NormalType.pngNormal FlyingType.pngFlying
Pidgeot 56 NormalType.pngNormal FlyingType.pngFlying
Spearow 18 NormalType.pngNormal FlyingType.pngFlying
Fearow 18 NormalType.pngNormal FlyingType.pngFlying
Chatot 9 NormalType.pngNormal FlyingType.pngFlying
Oricorio 43 FireType.pngFire FlyingType.pngFlying

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