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From Pixelmon Wiki

An Ornithologist is a type of NPC Trainer that has Pokémon ranging from levels 15-45. Ornithologists are also a type of chatting NPC.

Possible Pokémon

Spawn Biomes

Vanilla Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Forest minecraft:forest
Forest Hills minecraft:forest_hills
Flower Forest minecraft:mutated_forest
Roofed Forest minecraft:roofed_forest
Roofed Forest M minecraft:mutated_roofed_forest
Taiga minecraft:taiga
Taiga Hills minecraft:taiga_hills
Taiga M minecraft:mutated_taiga
Mega Taiga minecraft:redwood_taiga
Mega Taiga Hills minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills
Mega Taiga M minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga
Mega Taiga Hills M minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga_hills
Birch Forest minecraft:birch_forest
Birch Forest Hills minecraft:birch_forest_hills
Birch Forest M minecraft:mutated_birch_forest
Birch Forest Hills M minecraft:mutated_birch_forest_hills
Plains minecraft:plains
Sunflower Plains minecraft:mutated_plains

Biomes O' Plenty Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Boreal Forest biomesoplenty:boreal_forest
Maple Woods biomesoplenty:maple_woods
Orchard biomesoplenty:orchard
Seasonal Forest biomesoplenty:seasonal_forest
Woodland biomesoplenty:woodland
Redwood Forest biomesoplenty:redwood_forest
Redwood Forest Edge biomesoplenty:redwood_forest_edge
Thicket biomesoplenty:thicket
Coniferous Forest biomesoplenty:coniferous_forest
Chaparral biomesoplenty:chaparral
Grassland biomesoplenty:grassland
Prairie biomesoplenty:prairie
Pasture biomesoplenty:pasture
Steppe biomesoplenty:steppe
Meadow biomesoplenty:meadow

Traverse Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Autumnal Woods traverse:autumnal_woods
Autumnal Wooded Hills traverse:autumnal_wooded_hills
Forested Hills traverse:forested_hills
Birch Forested Hills traverse:birch_forested_hills
Lush Hills traverse:lush_hills
Forested Hills traverse:forested_hills
Woodlands traverse:woodlands
Thicket traverse:thicket
Coniferous Forest traverse:coniferous_forest
Temperate Rainforest traverse:temperate_rainforest
Meadow traverse:meadow
Rocky Plains traverse:rocky_plains
Rocky Plateau traverse:rocky_plateau

Real World Biomes

Biome Biome ID
Flatland Thicket realworld:rw_flatland_thicket
Birch Autumn Forest realworld:rw_birch_autumn_forest
Blue Oak Forest realworld:rw_blue_oak_forest
Bur Oak Forest realworld:rw_bur_oak_forest
Silver Birch Forest realworld:rw_silver_birch_forest
Silver Birch Hills realworld:rw_silver_birch_hills
Flatland Thicket realworld:rw_flatland_thicket
Emperor Ridge realworld:rw_emperor_ridge
Spruce Mountains realworld:rw_spruce_mountains


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