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PixelHunt Remastered

From Pixelmon Wiki

PixelHunt Remastered is a Pixelmon sidemod that starts and maintains random Pokémon hunts. Each hunt will have specific requirements that the caught Pokémon must meet in order for a player to claim rewards. Requirements and rewards must be configured. Once a hunt is completed, a broadcasted message will show everybody who completed it and a new hunt will automatically begin.


Minecraft version Pixelmon version PixelHunt Remastered version
1.12.2 8.3.3 2.0.0

PixelHunt Remastered is a Forge sidemod, which means it can be installed on any type of server software that supports mods, such as Sponge or Magma/Mohist.


  1. Download PixelHuntRemastered for your version of Minecraft/Pixelmon here.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar in the server's mods folder.
  3. Start the server and wait for it to load.
  4. Open the configuration folder in the server's config/PixelHuntRemastered and edit the file as desired.
  5. Either restart the server or use the /hunt reload command (see commands section for more detail) to load any changes made.


  1. Download PixelHuntRemastered for your version of Minecraft/Pixelmon here.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar in the game's mods folder.
  3. Start the server and wait for it to load.
  4. Open the configuration folder in the game's .minecraft/config/PixelHuntRemastered and edit the file as desired.
  5. Either restart Minecraft or use the /hunt reload command (see commands section for more detail) to load any changes made.


Note: Command syntax is displayed in the standard Minecraft command format. An explanation of this format can be found here.

Player commands

  • /hunt (Aliases: /pixelhunt, /pokemonhunt) : This is the Main Command that opens the PixelHunt UI.

Staff commands

  • /hunt reload : This command reloads the configuration and all active hunts.


  • /hunt : There are no required permissions for this default command
  • For Mohist the following permission is required: forgecommand.hunt
  • /hunt reload : pixel.hunt.remastered.command.reload


Note: The configuration file is a .yml file - It can be validated here when making significant changes.

Config File

The config.yml contains all of the information for the PixelHunt UI, Broadcasts, Duration, Rewards and more. Fields that don't have a default value must be added into the config.

config-interface: - Contains information describing the appearance of the PixelHunt UI.

title: - The title of the PixelHunt GUI. Supports color codes. Default: ''
height: - The height of the PixelHunt GUI (Number of rows). Default: 6
fill-type: - The type of background item fill of the PixelHunt GUI. There are 4 types: BLOCK, ALTERNATING, CHECKERED and CUSTOM. Descriptions of these can be found here. Default: BLOCK
filler-items: - The items used to fill the background of the GUI are under this section, found below.
one: - The first item in the selection that will be used.
enabled: - Whether or not this item is enabled and will show in the UI. Default: true
type: - The ID of the item. Default: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: - The amount of the item. Default: 1
damage: - The item meta of the item in the slot. This is usually 0. However, in this case, setting it to 14 will show a Red Stained Glass Pane. Default: 14
name: - The name of the item. Supports color codes. Default: ' '
lore: - The lore of the item. Supports color codes.

spawn-broadcast: - The broadcasts that are sent to all online players when a new hunt is started. Supports color codes. Default: []
timeout-broadcast: - The broadcasts to send to all online players when the hunt ends (no one found it). Supports color codes. Default: []
extra-lore: - Adds extra lore to the sprite. Supports color codes and %time% placeholder.
pre-lore: - Adds extra lore to the sprite. Supports color codes and %time% placeholder.
enable-particles: - Whether or not fire particles will show on the hunted species. Default: true
hunts: - The section that defines all the different difficulties or types of hunts.

Easy: - The name of the hunt. This can be named anything and will not appear in the UI.
gui-x: - The X position the display will take in the GUI.
gui-y: - The Y position the display will take in the GUI.
random-commands: - If the reward command given on capture is randomly selected from the reward-commands (if false all commands are executed).
reward-commands: - The commands to reward the player after capturing the Pokémon.
reward-description: - The description of the rewards shown in the lore of the display. Supports color codes.
max-ivs: - Whether or not the IVs of the Pokémon should be maxed out when caught.
iv-multiplier-enabled: - Whether or not the IVs of the Pokémon should be multiplied when caught.
iv-multiplier: - The multiplier if the above is true. 1.5 would increase the IVs by 50%.
max-duration-minutes: - The amount of time before the hunt times out and a new one is started.
generator-config: - Contains any settings for the hunt.
blocked-types: - Species that will never appear in the hunt.
species-requirement: - If the Pokémon species is required for the hunt. Should always be true.
allow-legends: - If Legendaries should appear in this hunt (typically false otherwise incredibly difficult).
allow-ultra-beasts: - If Ultra Beasts should appear in this difficulty (typically false otherwise a bit more difficult)
gender-requirement: - If a specific gender should be required.
growth-requirement: - If a specified growth (or number of growths) should be required.
nature-requirement: - If the nature (or natures) should be required.
potential-growth-requirements: - Number of growths to require.
potential-nature-requirements: - Number of natures to require.
allow-evolutions: - If evolutions of the species are allowed (true = easier).
iv-requirement: - If an IV percentage should be required.
random-i-v-generation: - If the IV percentage should be randomly generated.
min-i-v-percentage: - The minimum IV value.
max-i-v-percentage: - The maximum IV value.
only-legends: - Whether or not the hunt will only require Legendaries.

Config Example


    title: '&2PixelHunt'
    height: 6
    fill-type: BLOCK
            enabled: true
            type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
            amount: 1
            damage: 14
            name: ' '
            lore: []
            nbt: {}
- '&eThe hunt for %pokemon% has started!'
- '&cThe hunt for %pokemon% has ended!'
- '&bTime remaining: %time%'
enable-particles: true
        gui-x: 1
        gui-y: 1
        - give %player% pixelmon:poke_ball 5
        - '&eReward: &c5 PokeBalls'
        max-ivs: false
        iv-multiplier-enabled: false
        iv-multiplier: 1.5
        max-duration-minutes: 60
            - Ditto
            species-requirement: true
            allow-legends: false
            allow-ultra-beasts: false
            gender-requirement: false
            growth-requirement: false
            nature-requirement: false
            potential-growth-requirements: 3
            potential-nature-requirements: 3
            allow-evolutions: false
            iv-requirement: false
            random-i-v-generation: false
            min-i-v-percentage: 30
            max-i-v-percentage: 100
            only-legends: false
        random-commands: false
        gui-x: 1
        gui-y: 2
        - give %player% pixelmon:poke_ball 5
        - '&eReward: &c5 PokeBalls'
        max-ivs: false
        iv-multiplier-enabled: false
        iv-multiplier: 1.5
        max-duration-minutes: 60
            - Ditto
            species-requirement: true
            allow-legends: false
            allow-ultra-beasts: false
            gender-requirement: false
            growth-requirement: false
            nature-requirement: false
            potential-growth-requirements: 3
            potential-nature-requirements: 3
            allow-evolutions: false
            iv-requirement: false
            random-i-v-generation: false
            min-i-v-percentage: 30
            max-i-v-percentage: 100
            only-legends: false
        random-commands: false
        random-commands: false

Version history

There is no version history available for this sidemod just yet.

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