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Frozen Shrine

From Pixelmon Wiki
Frozen shrine block.png

A Frozen Shrine is a shrine that spawns rarely in Icy (Forge) biomes. In the middle of the structure is the shrine itself, which can be activated with a charged orb of frozen souls to spawn the Legendary Articuno.

Like the other Trio bird shrines and the Ilex shrine, it can't be mined and is a one-time use.


Config settings

  • shrine-encounter-mode: Whether Legendary shrines, such as the Legendary Bird or Timespace Trio shrines, can be used multiple times. By default, it is set to Once.


Up to version, 8.4.3, along with the other Trio bird shrines, it can be set to be reusable in the pixelmon.hocon by going into General and setting 'Allow bird shrine reuse' to 'True'. Also, the command /struc iceshrine can also spawn a frozen shrine if the terrain allows for one.

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