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PokéLoot Chest

From Pixelmon Wiki

A Poké chest, Ultra chest, Master chest, and Beast chest

PokéLoot chests are Poké Ball-shaped containers that can be found randomly throughout the world, each containing a Pixelmon-related item inside of them. They come in Poké Ball, Ultra Ball, Master Ball and Beast Ball varieties, with higher-quality chests being rarer and having a higher chance of containing better loot. They spawn in all biomes except Ocean, Deep Ocean, Frozen Ocean, River, and Frozen River biomes.

Chests cannot be mined and cannot be destroyed by explosions.

Some PokéLoot chests are invisible. While it is possible to find them normally, it is much easier to locate these chests using an Itemfinder.

Haunted towers and Hidden Grottos can rarely be found throughout the world and each contain a Master Ball chest inside of them.


Each naturally spawning PokéLoot chest contains an item from the special drop list. The item's tier depends on the type of chest.

Type % Chance
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Grid Poké Chest.pngPoké Chest 100% 0% 0% 0%
Grid Ultra Chest.pngUltra Chest 0% 100% 0% 0%
Grid Master Chest.pngMaster Chest 0% 0% 100% 0%
Grid Beast Chest.pngBeast Chest 0% 0% 0% 100%
Hidden Chest 51% 34% 15% 0%

Spawn mode

By default, a naturally spawned PokéLoot chest disappears once a player loots the chest. This option can be changed in the Pixelmon config file.

  • First Come, First Served (FCFS): Chest disappears once looted by a player.
  • Permanent, Limit 1 Drop (PL): Chest doesn't disappear, but each individual player can only loot it once.
  • Permanent, Unlimited Drops (PU): Chest doesn't disappear, can be looted infinitely by players.
  • Timed Loot (TIMED): Chest doesn't disappear, each individual player can loot the chest periodically (cooldown duration can also be set in config, defaults at once per day).


A custom PokéLoot chest can be created by the player by spawning a chest in through commands or Creative mode. It can either hold random loot or a specified item.

The chest may be placed like a normal block would. After the chest is placed, it can be acted upon in the following ways:

  • Hit (Creative): Breaks chest
  • Hit (Survival): Changes chest spawn mode
  • Use (no item): Toggles visibility of chest
  • Use (item): Puts the item inside the chest. The chest can no longer be customized afterward. This means if you want to change the chest's spawn mode or visibility that has to be done BEFORE setting the item.
  • Sneak + Use: Puts random loot inside the chest according to the type of chest. The message "Block owner changed to server!" is displayed. The chest can no longer be customized afterward. This means if you want to change the chest's spawn mode or visibility that has to be done BEFORE setting the item.

For chests with specified loot, there is no difference between the three different types of chests besides aesthetics.

Config settings

  • "spawn-normal": Whether PokéLoot chests spawn naturally.
  • "spawn-hidden": Whether invisible PokéLoot chests spawn naturally.
  • "spawn-grotto": Determines whether Hidden Grottos spawn naturally.
  • "spawn-rate": Frequency of PokéLoot chests spawning (MINIMAL, NORMAL, MORE, EXTREME).
  • "spawn-mode": Sets the spawn mode of naturally spawning chests (FCFS, PL, PU, TIMED).
  • "loot-time": Sets the amount of time that a player has to wait after opening a timed (spawn-mode TIMED) chest before opening it again in hours.

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